Saturday, November 27, 2010

Raichel and Jared: Sneak Peek

The most adorable couple that I've ever taken pictures with.
You can definitely tell how much they love each other!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Alex Kehoe Tonrey

Okay you guys might call me biased but this had to be
one of my favorite guy shoots. Alex is a Chi Delta beau
and senior soccer player. He's a great guitarist so this
was a perfect shoot idea! Don't these just make your
heart melt?

my personal favorite

Rod the Fireman

Probably the most creative theme that anyone presented
for the competition so far. Rod actually called the fire station
and they pulled the trucks out and got to wear their equipment
for the shoot. He looks like a real fireman! If girls knew he would
be the one to rescue them out of a fire...then they might start
leaving the ovens on!

Brandon Briscoe

Could he be more handsome? Brandon was the Beta Beta representative.
With his adorable eyes how could anyone resist? He was fun to work with
and seemed very comfortable with whatever I asked him to do. A great model!

Shelby Briley

urban outfitters? Shelby is an EEE representative for the Chi Delta
"Ouachita's Next Top Model". All her photos spoke for a Urban Outfitters
campaign. Her outfit was great...she just looks like she belongs in her

Classy Katie

Such a classy girl....she was adorable!